Cybersecurity & Criminal Justice
Cybersecurity affects every individual, organization, and nation. This course focuses on the evolving and pervasive technological environment with an emphasis on securing personal, organizational, and national information. Students will be introduced to the principles of cybersecurity, explore emerging technologies, examine threats and protective measures, and investigate the diverse high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand career opportunities in the field of cybersecurity. Exciting opportunities will be presented to use interactive current resources in the study of cybersecurity such as Virginia Cyber Range, Virginia Space Grant Consortium, and Cyber.Org. Students will have the opportunity to prepare for success on related industry certifications aligned to the course content.
Criminal Justice
Students are introduced to law, public safety, corrections, and security practices. Students examine contemporary issues in the criminal justice system and explore crime scene investigation, criminal investigation, court procedures, policing, and juvenile justice. This course provides a foundation for careers as lawyers, as forensics specialists, and as law enforcement and corrections officers.