Duke Update for September 3, 2023

Duke Update September 3, 2023

Congratulations to the Dukes JV football team on their victory Tuesday against Kecoughtan (21-14) and the Varsity team for their victory Friday against York (17-14). Go Dukes!

Yearbooks are now for sale online at yearbookordercenter.com using code 4758 for $55. There will be a price increase after October 1st. The book sold out the past 2 years so order before it’s too late!

E-Sports: There will be another ESports tryout next Wednesday, September 6th after school in room C149 for Super Smash Bros. The team is also actively looking for Rocket League and Overwatch players. Please see Coach Leszczynski with any questions.

FFA is having its first meeting on Tuesday, September 5th. This will be an informal social to get to know new and returning members. Any student enrolled in an agriculture class first or second semester is encouraged to attend! The meeting will be in C150 and end by 4 p.m.

Freshman: the SCA needs you! Do you want to help your class and GHS to be amazing? If so, pick up a petition to run for class office from the library. Completed applications are due September 6 th so get yours today!

Homecoming court petitions are available in the library and are due no later than September 6th.

Model UN: Have you seen or heard about the movie Sound of Freedom? If you want to be a game changer and learn more about these world issues, come on down to room D-21 after school to join the Model United Nations on September 11th.

Parent Drop-off: Traffic will flow in the opposite direction from last school year. Parents who are
dropping students off in the morning or picking them up in the afternoon will use the second entrance if coming from Route 17, or the third entrance if coming from T.C. Walker Rd. Students may enter in the morning and exit at dismissal through the C-Hall doors near the Art and Culinary classes or may report directly to their first block class if it is in one of the portables.

Parking Passes: Student Parking passes for the 2023-2024 school year are on sale for $52. Parking passes can be purchased using the School Cash online. Parking pass applications are available on the GHS website and Main Office and must be completely filled out. Students will be able to choose a numbered parking space on a first-come, first-served basis until all parking spots are sold for the 2023-2024 school year.

Bus Notes: Bus notes should be turned in to the Main Office at the beginning of the school day.

My School Bucks: Parents/Guardians if you would like to add money to your student's lunch account, you can find the link for My School Bucks on the GCPS website under Food Services.

Home Football Game: The GHS football team has their second home game of the season this Friday, September, at 7:00 p.m. Come out to support the Dukes as they take on Hampton High School! Please keep the following in mind regarding all home football games:
- All elementary and middle school students must be accompanied by an adult to enter the game.
- All bags will be checked upon entering the stadium. Students may not bring backpacks to the
- Metal detectors will be in use at the entrance to the stadium.

Ticket Prices: Peninsula District athletic event ticket prices are increasing this year for the sporting events that charge. Students and Adults are $7 each, children 6-12, and senior citizens are $5 each. This is for all home and away events. The athletic department will have season passes available for each season at a discounted rate.

SIRS Information Night for seniors and their parents and guardians is Wednesday, September 6, from 6:00 PM-7:00 PM in the Duke Rock cafe (location has been changed from the auditorium). English 12 teachers will provide important information about the Senior Independent Research Project.