Duke Update for March 10, 2024

Duke Update for March 10, 2024

End of 3rd Quarter: This is a reminder that the third quarter ends on March 27th. Students and parents, please be sure to check your grades in PowerSchool and make up any missing assignments.

Student Parking Passes for the 2023-2024 school year are sold out.

Yearbooks have officially sold out and can no longer be ordered.

Contact Information: Parents and guardians, please make sure your phone numbers, emails, home addresses, and emergency contacts have been updated in PowerSchool Thank you!

Dress Code: Parents and guardians, we appreciate your support in following the GCPS dress code, which is found on page 6 of the Student Code of Conduct.

This is a reminder of the New Early Dismissal Procedure that was implemented on Monday, February 12th. To ensure a smooth and organized process, all early dismissals must be picked up before 2:20 pm. Early dismissals occurring between 2:20 pm and 2:40 pm will now be released during the regular dismissal at 2:40 pm. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Gloucester High School is pleased to announce students can take the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles learner's permit test online at the school on March 20th in the Library Media Center. Students 15 years and 6 months or older are eligible to test. Please see Canvas, Mr. Morgan, or Ms. Hypes for more information.

Parking: Parents, please do not park in the DSS parking lot across from GHS when you come to pick up your children from school.

Student illness: Please see this note from our school nurses about policies and procedures for when students are sick.

School Counseling
Attention 9th-grade families: School counselors will start scheduling for next year's classes with current 9th graders on Monday, March 4th. If you would like to participate in the scheduling meeting please contact your child's school counselor. Counselor assignments, emails, and the school counseling phone number on the GHS website under 'School Counseling'. All Scheduling for next year is expected to be done before Spring Break.

Attention Seniors: The deadline for the GHS Scholarship Application is THIS UPCOMING WEDNESDAY (3/13) at 3:00 PM. No late applications will be accepted. The application can be accessed from your Naviance account. Paper copies are available in the Counseling Office and the application with needed forms has been sent to your school-based email. Please see the Counseling Office if you have any questions.

Intervention and Treatment Specialist: We are very excited to announce that we are offering a new service to students at GHS! In partnership with the Middle Peninsula Northern Neck CSB, a Substance Abuse Intervention and Prevention Specialist will be on-site at GHS. The goal of the position is to offer substance use intervention/ prevention and counseling services to lower the rate of substance use and abuse in Gloucester County Schools by offering intervention and prevention services to students.

Sportsmanship is a top priority of the Virginia High School League and GHS. Please show support and respect for the fans, opposing teams, and game officials at all times while attending home or away events. Any misconduct can lead to dismissal from the game, and from attending future games. Please help us enjoy another successful athletic season by showing extraordinary sportsmanship at all times.

Ticket Prices: Peninsula District athletic event ticket prices have increased this year for the sporting events that charge. Students and adults are $7 each, children 6-12, and senior citizens are $5 each. This is for all home and away events.